Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Scary Experience

Yesterday I may have had the scariest experience of my life, aside from when I was almost struck by lightning, but that's another story. David and I had just gotten back from Abilene, and RA went down for his nap. When he woke up, we decided to go over to Melanie and Larry's house to see them and to check out the house we're going to be renting. We were on Bosque heading towards Highway 6, and a car came around the curve literally swerving all over the road. It was zig-zagging everywhere, and then it did a 360, I think once, maybe twice. It was so crazy. I stopped the car, but then I got to thinking, what if it doesn't stop? I don't have anywhere to go! Finally it came to a stop about 10 yards away from us. All traffic was stopped on both sides just trying to stay out of his way. I don't know what happened, but he ended up perpendicular to traffic. He pulled his car forward, put it in park and got out to get his cowboy hat that had flown out the window during the ride and then continued on down the side street. I was shaking I was so scared. What would I have done if he had hit us? I couldn't have gone anywhere and he would have hit us on my side, which is also the side that RA sits on. It was so scary. I'm glad we're all okay and that no one was hurt, but it got me to thinking, driving is so dangerous and I take it for granted too often. I need to start being more mindful of what's going on around me and having an out for any situation. I'm also done texting in the car. Oprah has a pledge right now called the "No Phone Zone" pledge. I think I might take it, although I don't think I'll stop talking on the phone. I will definitely stop texting, though. Okay, ya'll take care and be careful driving!
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